Friday, December 21, 2012

Haters Gonna Hate.

While we’ve mostly had overwhelmingly positive feedback to our new blog site, we’d like to take the time to address the following email entitled, “What a Stupid F*king Idea”:

Folks complain about women's cycling not being taken seriously, then someone who is actively involved in the sport thinks something like this is actually a good idea? Good job of highlight the most irrelevant part of the sport and perpetuating the "cat fighting" mentality.
          Sincerely, JOD

Dear “JOD,”
     First of all, I would like to thank you for your suggestions to the site! We want this to be the people’s site, where one's voice can be heard, and all opinions are taken into account. While I, personally, will not be heeding your advice, I will address your lovely hate message. Though we, women racers, are primarily concerned with making money, being on the cover of Velonews, and plotting a full-on coup d'état of the good ole boys’ club (i.e. USUCK), we also enjoy a good laugh here and there. In fact, we think the peloton needs it as I’ve been lead to believe that people on the outside (i.e. non spandex-wearing folk) think we’re all lil’ cray cray, and quite frankly, we need to be able to have the adequate social skills to have relationships and get jobs after the cleats are hung up.
So, Joddy (mind if I call you Joddy?), do us a favor: don’t take it too seriously, enjoy a brewski, and for God’s sake, please lower that “holier than though” seatpost you’re currently ridin’ on. A free piece of dating advice: women might find it unattractive.

    Second of all, I’m curious… “JOD”… Jolly Ominous D-bag? Just [keep your mouths shut and leave it to us] Old Dude? or Just got Out Done [/chicked]?

    And lastly, JOD, as you might notice, I took the liberty to add the “Sincerely” before your name in your hate message to gift you with a little decency. Tis the Christmas season afterall! You're welcome.

With hugs and kisses,
Bike Gossip Girl

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